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The etiquette towards a sex-worker
Being a sex-worker is a professional trade, which involves generating an income from offering sexual services. Though there are millions of sex-workers around the globe, there are many people who are disrespectful towards them and tarnish them with negative connotations. Many are quick to use the derogatory terms ‘prossy’, ‘hooker’ and ‘whore’ as synonyms for sex-workers. Sex-workers may use their body as their main tool to make a living, but this doesn’t mean they deserve the abuse they are often subjected to. The sex industry is just a normal livelihood, just like being a hairdresser, spa-therapist or counsellor. Here is some etiquette you should follow towards sex-workers.

1. Don’t use offensive language
It’s important to realise that sex-workers are just normal people trying to make a living and do have feelings. Some men often get carried away and ask questions such as ‘Can I f*** her in the pussy?’ and ‘Will she suck my cock?’ as well as referring to the workers as ‘bitches’ and ‘prostitutes’ Language like this is extremely offensive to a sex-worker and will probably make them dislike you before the session has begun. If you start to use derogatory phrases the worker will probably give you a warning to stop. If you chose to continue then the worker is within her rights to stop the session immediately and ask you to leave. No refunds will be given. Politeness and manners cost nothing and will reward you with an unrushed and more professional service.
2. Don’t barter the price
Would you step foot in Tesco’s and haggle down the price of a loaf of bread? No you wouldn’t, therefore you should never try and get a lower price from a sex-worker. It’s disrespectful and can make them feel worthless. Erotic parlours are legitimate businesses, which pay their taxes and follow government guidelines just like any other professional company in Britain. To ask for a discount could rapidly decrease their profits. If you don’t like the price of a session then don’t book, it’s that simple.

3. Never presume the worker does a particular service
Any service needs to be discussed with a sex-worker before the session commences. This not only means the money side can be dealt with straight away, but it also ensures you and the worker are on the same wave length when it comes to what the session is going to entail. It’s important to never presume the worker is going to conduct such service. Oral without, intercourse and reversed oral are often classified as extras, which are offered by most workers but may not be by others. Though some customers do ask for it, it’s breaking UK law to engage in intercourse with a sex-worker without using a condom. If you presume the worker offers a service without requesting it initially then you’ll be likely shown out the door and black-listed from the parlour. The sex industry uses a special database, in which workers can upload client information to warn other workers of men who have stepped out of line. If you want to remain on good terms with the sex-industry you need to remain respectful and understand no means no.
4. Shower before your appointment
A session with a sex-worker is super intimate and involves a lot of close body contact. Do you think a sex-worker wants to get up, close and personal with your stinky body? Of course, the answer is no. Therefore it’s important to shower before your session. Personal hygiene is common courtesy at the end of the day. It’s understood that many gentlemen might choose to opt for the services of a sex-worker after a long day at the office. If it’s not feasible to nip home and shower before your session then don’t worry, as many sex-workers have complimentary shower facilities which you can use free of charge before your service commences. There really isn’t any excuse to have poor hygiene when seeking the services of a sex-worker.
We hope this post has educated you on the etiquette you should follow towards sex-workers. In time, we hope sex-workers are treated with the upmost respect they deserve and wipe prejudice views towards them out completely.
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