If you’re looking for utter relaxation you cannot beat a Swedish massage. The slow, soft…

The story of our one masseuse – Lisa
Erotic massages and sex work is highly frowned upon by many people in society, probably due to religious morals passed down through the centuries. However in an era where we practice freedom of speech and women are gaining more power than ever before, why can’t people understand “My body is my body, I can use it how I like?” The same way in which you respect a woman if they decide to abstain from sex, you should also respect women who decide to use it to make money if that is what they want to do.
Of course, forced sex and prostitution is a whole other thing. I do not agree with women participating in sex if it not what she wants as a woman should have complete ownership of her own body at all times. However, I will share my story with you and how I became an erotic masseuse and the trial and tribulations I face with my job.
I first began working as a masseuse when I was sixteen, in my home country of Japan. I needed some extra money as I was a typical teenage girl and loved to shop. A local massage parlour had a job going to help give sports massages to local athletes and although I was no trained to do this, I quickly picked it up and a lot of gymnasts, runners and footballers asked for me to give them sports massages on their muscles. My boss noticed my natural talent and suggested that I apply for massage therapy school and become professionally trained. I had never really thought about what I wanted to do in the future, however the idea of being a masseuse seemed great. I got some references from my boss and also a few of my clients and to my surprise I managed to get into one of the most elite massage therapy schools in Tokyo! I was very pleased with myself and it gave me the motivation to work extremely hard. I knew it would be difficult to leave my small village and family and move to a large city where I don’t know anyone but I knew I had a talent and that it would be shame for it to go to waste.
The massage therapy school was a beautiful building quite close to the city centre in Tokyo and around a 15 minute walk from my new apartment. All of the students there were so beautiful and came from Japan, China and Korea. Our teachers were also kind and friendly and looked like models, they had been masseuses for years and had shared their skills all over Asia. However, I knew I wanted more than that and I told myself that one day I would travel to Europe and become a masseuse in London. Classes were early and we worked the whole way into the night, we also had placements and had to work for many long hours unpaid with very rude and strange customers. What kept me going was my passion and love for what I do, ad seeing how the customer would look a lot happier when they left my massage session. Finally the time had come for me to graduate and I passed with flying colours, London here I come!
When I arrived in London I found a nice and affordable apartment in Marylebone with a lovely Chinese girl who also happened to be a masseuse. I luckily got a job in a posh spa resort in South Kensington which was not too far from the flat. However, after the first few weeks my boss stared to become very unpleasant with me and did not like the massage styles and techniques that I was using, even though the clients seemed to enjoy them. She treated me differently from the other English masseuses and I felt very alone and sad.
I expressed my problems to my house mate who told me that they were actually looking for a new masseuse at her job and that I would be perfect for it. I had not asked her much about her job because she worked quite late into the night so I did not see her that often and when I did ask she seemed quite hesitant.
She then told me that she wasn’t just any type of masseuse but an erotic masseuse. I was a bit judgemental of her at the beginning but when she explained to me how our genitals are just another part of our body and should not miss out on a massage as they hold the key to a lot of relieve and happiness I knew that I wanted to give it a go. I was slightly nervous at the beginning but my first client was nice and I could see that he was stressed with a lot of tension and sadness. I try to make each session as individual as possible to give each client exactly what they want and fulfil their needs and desires. Most of my customers are very nice and respectful towards me and the others are not.
As we are open until 3am, many customers come in quite late at the weekend and are intoxicated with alcohol. When a customer is very drunk we do not provide them with our erotic services as they are in a vulnerable state. This makes some of them very mad and angry and they can call us very hurtful names like “slut” or “prostitute”. When I try to explain to them that they should not speak to a professional worker like this they tell me “go get a real job”. This upsets me a lot as I have worked incredibly hard for my profession and have left my family, friends, country to travel half way across the world just to help the gentlemen of Europe. A lot of them come specifically to me as they want an authentic Asian tantric or erotic massage so it is harsh when they disrespect me and my services.
As much as it is hard to receive negative comments like this, it only pushes me to work harder. After all I do love my job!
If you would like to meet Lisa and receive your dream service from her, call us on 07818115239. Or find out more about erotic hotel massage in London here.
Yes, you’ve read it right! We offer an erotic massage straight to your hotel door withing an hour!